
4 Tips for Commercial Garage Business Maintenance

4 Tips for Commercial Garage Business Maintenance

A well-maintained garage is crucial for your business. You want your employees to enjoy their work environment, but they can’t do that if your business’s garage is messy. These four tips for commercial garage maintenance will guide you through the process.

Test the Garage Door’s Safety Features

Regularly check the door’s safety features in order to protect employees at work. Ensure the fire extinguisher is accessible, the smoke detectors have fresh batteries, and the emergency exits are clear.

Next, check the functionality of the garage door. Since your team uses it repeatedly, you must verify the safety features work properly:

  • The door uses auto-reverse if it encounters an obstruction. Test this by placing an object like a box or a block of wood in the path of the closing door. If the door doesn’t reverse upon hitting the object, it’s time for a repair.
  • Commercial garage doors have motion detection features that stop the door from closing when perceiving motion.
  • Your garage door should have manual controls in case of power failure or a malfunctioning automatic system.
  • Photo eye sensors on both sides of the door emit an invisible beam that stops the door from closing if something passes the beam. Keep these sensors clean and aligned with each other to ensure their functionality.

Conduct Deep Cleanings Every Six Months

Sweeping here and there, picking up clutter, and wiping down surfaces generally keep workspaces clean. However, you should conduct a deep cleaning every six months to promote a sanitary and professional work environment.

  • Clean and replace the air filters in the HVAC system to improve indoor air quality.
  • Dust all storage areas.
  • Reorganize equipment or merchandise with foot traffic in mind.
  • Sweep and/or vacuum the floor.
  • Power wash the flooring for a stain-free surface.
  • Wipe down the garage door to remove accumulated dust and dirt.

Apply Silicone Lubricant Spray to Garage Door Parts

The metal components of the garage door often require a high-quality silicone spray. The hinges, rollers, and tracks need additional lubrication to prevent premature wear. The lubricant forms a protective barrier for smooth operation. This simple maintenance practice will improve the long-term performance of the garage door system in your facility.

Repair Paint Imperfections

You never know when a cosmetic issue could lead to rust! That’s why it’s important to care for any paint imperfections like fading color or chips. Start by washing down the door to remove dirt stuck on the surface. You don’t want that to protrude beneath a fresh coat of paint!

Then, prep the door by filling holes and cracks. This will improve the structural integrity of the door and prevent the risk of rusting in the future. Lastly, it’s time to paint! Select a shade that reflects your business’s brand for a cohesive finish. Your work environment will appear more lively for employees.

The Door and Fence Store wants to help with your commercial garage business maintenance. If you need a new overhead rollup door or assistance with garage door maintenance, our team of skilled technicians is ready to help! All it takes is a phone call to schedule the garage door service you need for your business to thrive.

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