Home improvement takes a lot of diligence and thought. When you’re looking into a garage door, you want the safety and security that most people look for, but the garage door you choose must also correlate with the rest of your home. So, there is an artistic factor that should be added to the overall look of the garage door.
You will want something rugged enough to hold up the test of time, too. Functionality plays a huge role when adding a garage door. You will also need to decide on key factors, like the type of material you will want to use, how you can save money depending on the material that you use, and how well you care for it.
Choosing the right garage door material for you isn’t something that you should decide on a whim, as there are many factors that go into making a firm decision. Let’s examine some factors to help you make the next step.
This is truly the most popular of all other categories of material whenever it comes to commercial garage door installation, and for a good reason. With its highly durable functionality, flexibility, and lightweight structure, it’s no surprise that steel tops the rest due to its higher value. With that much popularity and demand for the product, it also becomes cost-effective.
Steel is also highly weather-resistant, although not weatherproof. You might want to have it coated in zinc to help prevent rusting, or you could finish it to preserve the material. Because of its metal profile, you can easily replace sections at a time, either through a complete replacement or through welding. This makes maintenance a breeze and is also easy on your wallet.
Maybe you want something more upscale and retrograde, like a nice solid wood garage door. You see these a lot on older homes that still have manual residential overhead garage doors. It’s rare to see them as often on newer homes—not due to the lack of precedence that they hold, but for the sheer amount of cost that goes into purchase and upkeep that comes with owning a wooden door.
They aren’t as durable as all the others, which should be the first thing to make a note of. They are also an expense to maintain as they are affected by the elements, so they tend not to last as long. And they aren’t fire-retardant, either. So, these are all factors worth your consideration if you’re thinking about going with wood for your garage door. Something else to think about is that wood is organic, so you’re being environmentally friendly if you choose to go with wood versus other materials.
In recent years, fiberglass has become more popular as a unique alternative to other materials. It can be made to look like wood and mimic the features that come with real wood products. It also has a semi-transparent property to it, so you can use this to your benefit if you want to allow more indirect sunlight into your space.
It also isn’t affected by the weather or environment, as it doesn’t crack or shrink as it ages. The only downside to fiberglass is in the overall durability of the material. It cannot withstand heavy winds and will not take a blow like wood or steel can, which means the whole panel will need to be replaced if it gets damaged or broken.
However, on its own, fiberglass is stronger than glass and wood in many respects and can withstand a lot of damage. It will most likely last a very long time as it doesn’t fade, warp, or change with time. So, this could potentially be an excellent addition to your home. It’s also chic and becoming when finished with a few nice coats of paint and polish.
Aluminum and Glass
These two are put in the same category as they usually come built together. If you own an aluminum or glass door, it can really look appealing to the masses, and this is the first factor that you might notice. Along with its contemporary look, you can get the material’s aluminum base anodized for more strength and durability.
There are endless paint and design options with this material as it’s easy and affordable to acquire. You will want to add insulation, as this doesn’t normally come installed with the material. Dents and holes are a problem and can be costly to fix with this material. This is not a bad route to go with if you’re on the cheaper end of the spectrum and want something that works well at a fraction of the usual cost.
Wood Composite
This is the most economical and environmentally friendly among all other products out there. When you recycle wood, the fibers are recreated into countless amounts of things, which is essentially what wood composite is comprised of. The good news with this option is that it can match the strength and durability that steel has with the same texture and gradient of wood, as well as being lighter in weight.
Something to also look at when purchasing composite is that there are binders and fillers used to bring those pieces together like glue. This makes the material stronger than wood. However, if something should happen to the door, then it would have to be replaced in whole pieces that are prefabricated.
You may be able to get away with filling holes yourself or professionally, depending on how big the hole or crack is. But in most cases, it will require a completely new panel. This is still cheaper and easier to acquire than solid wood paneling.
Whatever you decide to go with, choosing the right garage door material for you is a feat only you can accomplish. This is because no one knows what will be best for your home like you do, as it incorporates factors like home security, the appeal of the door on the home, and its overall functionality.
So, think it over, and when the time is right, you will know what is best for your home. In the meantime, you can use this guide as a reference for your materials before making any decisions.