
Knowing When To Upgrade and Replace a Garage Door

There are many clear signs that you need a new garage door. If you’ve had one for several years, you may be starting to notice minor creaks and dents slowly creeping up.

These imperfections are not to be ignored. Knowing when to replace a garage door will provide you with increased security, boost your home’s value, and create a finished facade that completes your home.


Many modern garage doors include an auto-reverse feature. If an object is stuck in the door, most garage doors contain sensors that automatically retract the door. This feature provides safe commuting for all homeowners. In addition to the auto-reverse aspect, most modern garages incorporate motion detection that turns on the garage light whenever someone passes by the sensor, meaning you won’t need to get in and out of your car in the darkness.


We are entering a new era of making everything “smarter” and more convenient, and this includes technology that allows us to access our homes while we are away. New intelligent home software further promotes home connectivity by enabling homeowners to open and close their garage doors while they are away, providing robust security.

If a resident leaves their house and forgets to close their garage, they can quickly do so via their smartphone, preventing potential burglars from entering their home. This software adds a level of convenience that most homeowners are investing in for the long haul.

Home Value

Curb appeal establishes the first impression. More often than not, the garage door is the feature that’s noticed first. Garages that are dented and worn will immediately deter potential buyers, fellow neighbors, and even your guests.

Installing a new garage door will add a modern touch to your home alongside many amazing new features that your previous model didn’t possess. For example, insulation is a key factor that will drive up the value of your home. It’s an enticing component because it saves money over time and provides comfort in every season.

Now that you know when to replace a garage door, you can begin the fun search for residential overhead garage doors that will complement the look of your home.

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